About Eagle River Treehouses

We Are Preserving the Spirit and Natural Beauty of the Northwoods and Eagle River for Generations to Come.

— The Schulz Family

The Eagle River Treehouses are situated in a serene, wooded setting on the gently sloping terrain surrounding Voyageur and Eagle Lakes, two of the 28 interconnected lakes that form the longest inland freshwater chain in the world.

The Schulz Family

We’re originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but we spent ten years living in New England, where we developed a deep love for the outdoors. When we returned to Wisconsin, we set out to find a place that captured the same natural beauty that we had come to appreciate.

Fifteen years ago, a trip to Eagle River rekindled that connection. We were mesmerized by the area's rolling forests, tranquil lakes, and unique charm of the Northwoods. That visit marked the beginning of our annual family vacations to Eagle River.

Later, we purchased the original treehouse, just down the road from what is now Treehouse Village. That treehouse became the inspiration and model for the others, laying the foundation for what would become Treehouse Village.

Our vision for Eagle River Treehouses is to make it the ultimate destination for anyone seeking to experience the enchanting beauty of the Northwoods.

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